Thank you to Bike West Hartford supporters for making our voices heard for a people-oriented redesign of West Hartford Center. In April, all of us were very disappointed to hear town administrators present their “semi-final” plan, which “rolled back previous proposals… to reduce parking spaces and expand sidewalk space significantly while also providing a buffered bike lane on Farmington Avenue.”
But today’s news story by CT Insider journalist Michael Walsh, West Hartford’s Town Center Redesign Plans are Not Yet Final: Cyclists Hoping to Sway the Decision (gift link), emphasizes how Bike West Hartford supporters have been speaking up:
At this point, Cantor said, those plans are not locked in. And while the decision lies with the town manager’s office, she said the Town Council is involved as policy makers.
“We’ve heard a lot from people,” Cantor said. “The Center is an incredibly valuable resource and means a lot to a lot of people. And people have a lot of opinions about it. (The town manager) is meeting with consultants and giving feedback from the Council. They will bring us recommendations to us in June.”
And with that comes the launch of Bike West Hartford’s new #BikesMeanBusiness social media campaign, where it is asking residents to patronize West Hartford businesses across town by walking, biking, or taking the bus.
READ MORE in CT Insider, May 9, 2024
Bike + Walk + Bus to Shop in West Hartford to Remind Store Owners and Town Leaders that #BikesMeanBusiness