Transport Hartford at the Center for Latino Progress announces the 5th Annual Northeast Multimodal Transit Summit online on Monday Nov 21st, 2022 from 11:30am to 7:30pm. Learn more and register.
A day of discussion on making our modes of transportation environmentally sustainable, equitable, and accessible.
The Transport Hartford Academy program at the Center for Latino Progress will host the fifth Northeast Multimodal Transit Summit online on November 21nd, from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm EST. We need your support to send a clear message that multimodal transportation and transit are critical for creating jobs across an economically vibrant, connected, and sustainable region. The Summit will bring together transportation professionals, community representatives, academics, activists and officials with the goal of helping decision-makers plan a future that meets the needs of our society. We urgently need to transition to sustainable modes of transportation which must be environmentally sustainable, equitable, and accessible. This year’s focus is on “connecting” people and ideas in the Northeast region.
The Summit will host a keynote speaker, twelve sessions, and a roundtable. Check out our Summit page from last year as well as all the recordings.
Contact: thomas_lefebvre@ctprf.org