SOLD OUT for our Mobility Justice Networking Dinner on Thursday, January 18th 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm at BiCiCo West community bike shop, 616 New Park Ave, West Hartford. For this pay-what-you-can event, we recommend donating $10-25 to help us cover dinner costs. 48 people registered and that’s our limit!
We’re gathering advocates across the Capital Region who share a common goal of mobility justice. Our goal for this evening is to connect, share ideas, and inspire like-minded organizations to continue the big work we are all thinking about and moving towards. Our event is co-sponsored by BiCi Co, Transport Hartford, and Bike West Hartford. Our keynote speaker is State Representative Kate Farrar, Deputy Majority Leader representing West Hartford and Newington, and a leading voice on the Transportation Committee. Also, advocates from several organizations will share their accomplishments for 2023 and goals for 2024.
View slides by our presenters:
Watch the YouTube video of this livestreamed event (thank you Robert Gorsky for recording it):
Current schedule:
- 5:30pm doors open for dinner and networking to begin
- 6:00pm Welcome to BiCiCo West by Jacob Sheppard-Saidel
- 6:05pm Introduction to keynote speaker by Jay Stange
- 6:10pm Keynote address by State Rep. Kate Farrar (15 minutes)
- 6:30pm 3-minute presentations, facilitated by Jennifer Fleet and Jack Dougherty
- Bike West Hartford (Jim Head, Ethan Frankel, Tracy Frankel)
- AARP and Advocacy to Legacy CT (Violette Haldane, Anna Doroghazi, Pat Lang)
- CT Urbanists (Dimitris Koutoumbas)
- Watch for Me CT (Amy Watkins)
- Hartford Livable Coalition (Casey Moran)
- Bike Walk Wethersfield (Kevin Sullivan)
- Walk Bike Rocky Hill (Alan Baglia)
- Transport Hartford (Jay Stange)
- BiCiCo (Jacob Sheppard-Saidel)
- 7:10pm Quick introductions from more people and organizations in the room
- 7:30pm End
Transportation to BiCiCo West:
- Google Maps link to BiciCo West community bike shop, 616 New Park Ave, West Hartford CT
- Ride the bus: CTfastrak 101, 102, 121 to Elmwood Station (next door) or CTTransit 39 to New Britain Ave & New Park Ave
- Ride a bike: the south end of the Trout Brook Trail is across the street. Bring lights and cross the road with caution.
- Carpool: reach out to other participants to share a ride and reduce single-occupancy car trips!