Register at CT-AMC Bicycling for these events led by Bike West Hartford Ambassador Leo Pon:
Sun Nov 26th 2023 10am Bike Greater BDL – Social ride, 10-12 mph. A new 21 mile ride covering the Bradley International Airport perimeter, International Drive, and the East Granby countryside. We’ll stop by the Connecticut Fire Academy and the Rainbow Reservoir boat launch. Required: A bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks. Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended. Meet at Three Brothers II restaurant, 58 Rainbow Rd, East Granby, CT
Sun Nov 19th 2023 10am-12:30pm Bike Ride around Hartford Riverfront — Social ride, 10-12 mph. 18-mile sightseeing ride through quiet streets in downtown Hartford and on paved riverwalks along both sides of the Connecticut River. This route starts in Riverside Park and visits Hartford and East Hartford landmarks including Riverfront Plaza, Bushnell Park, the CT Capital, Great River Park, Charter Oak Landing, Constitution Plaza and Goodwin University. See map. Bring a bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks required. Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended . Meet at Riverside Park, 20 Leibert Rd, Hartford CT 06120 in front of the boathouse.
Fri Nov 10th 2023 10am-1pm Bike Tour of West Hartford — Social ride, 10-12 mph. Pleasant 22 mile ride through quiet residential streets, over moderate rolling terrain and avoiding larger hills and heavy traffic. There will be a coffee/brunch stop near the end of the ride. Bring a bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks required. Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended. Starting Location: Meet at Elizabeth Park, West Hartford, in the parking area next to the greenhouses and the new visitor center. Enter Elizabeth Park from Asylum Ave. Additional parking is available behind the visitor center and on most side streets including Walbridge Rd.
Sat Nov 11th 2023 10am-1pm Newington Fastrak to New Britain Reservoir — Social ride, 10-12 mph, 19 mile ride. A moderate 19 mile journey along the Fastrak bikeway and up to a beautiful Southington reservoir, with stops at the New Britain Museum of American Art and Rogers Orchards. There will be a coffee/brunch stop near the end of the ride. A bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks required. Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended. Non-recessed cycling cleats may not be allowed in the museum. Bring a bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks required.. Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended. Starting Location: Newington Junction Fastrak Station, Willard Ave and West Hill Rd, Newington