Register online to participate in our Bugbee Bike and Play event!
Meet up Saturday August 5th 2023 at 9:30am at Bugbee School, 1943 Asylum Ave, West Hartford, CT
Join our family-friendly 4-mile bike ride, with an early stop option for young riders and playground at the finish.
Sponsored by Bike West Hartford. For any questions email Jim Head.
Rain date: Sat Aug 12th, same time
View our 4-mile route, which starts and ends at the Bugbee school playground. Our group will ride at a family-friendly “party pace” of 8-10 mph. There is an early stop option for newer riders who only wish to pedal 2.5 miles. Note that there is a hill up Gallaudet, so newer riders may need to walk their bikes up this hill. No one will be left behind.