Please join us for the first Community Meet Up of the season! This year we are planning regular get togethers for fellow transit nerds, bicycle enthusiasts, and town walkers to come together to build friendship and strengthen community. Meet at the picnic benches next to the Wolcott Park playground for light snacks, hot coffee, and friendly conversation. We’d love to chat about your upcoming biking goals, your dreams of equitable and accessible transit options, and your thoughts on what makes for a vibrant and welcoming community. Additionally, we will have a short, family friendly bike ride around Wolcott Park so, dust off your bikes and pump up your tires. We’ll see you there!!
Rescheduled to Saturday April 27th, 2024, drop by anytime 9:30-11:30am at Wolcott Park playground, 1341 New Britain Ave, West Hartford
Bike route to Wolcott Park on Beechwood Road (Conard HS) and Berkshire Road to safely cross New Britain Ave at the stoplight
Ride CT Transit buses 39, 64, 128 to Wolcott Park