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West Hartford will benefit from studying the experience of Hoboken, New Jersey, which has a population of about 60,000 people, similar in size to our community. In 2019, Mayor Rhavi Bhalla and stakeholders launched Hoboken’s Vision Zero Task Force to eliminate fatal and serious injuries on roadways (

1) Data-Driven Decisions
Hoboken asked: Which corridors and intersections had the most crashes and injuries in the past five years? They publicly shared charts and maps to draw attention to areas of top priority.

2) Identify Communities and Invite Input
Instead of a passive approach, Hoboken identified vulnerable communities most affected by vehicle crashes and encouraged their input in public meetings, interactive maps, and surveys.

3) Publicize Demonstration Projects
Hoboken tested traffic-calming infrastructure – such as vertical posts and mini roundabouts – for illustrative purposes on selected streets to gauge effectiveness and gather public input.

4) Action Planning with Accountability
Hoboken completed its Action Plan in 2021 to coordinate efforts between city departments and community organizations, and clarify responsibility for next steps and measurable benchmarks.

For more on Vision Zero in Hoboken, watch this short video by NPR News host Korva Coleman and companion story on redesigning intersections and traffic lights to improve pedestrian safety.