Philip Bolton shared copy of his feedback on one simple way to improve the West Hartford Vision Zero Draft Action Plan: Ban right turns on red lights. This policy has been recently adopted or is under consideration in several US cities, as described in the news link below.
I strongly support the Vision Zero initiative. A low cost, easy to implement step to get the Vision Zero project started as well as to give it visibility: Ban right turn on red.
Pretty much every pedestrian and bike rider has had a near miss, or even a hit, from a car not yielding the right of way while making a right turn on red. A couple of days ago while waiting for the light to change going south on Mountain to turn onto Farmington two cars turned on right into the crosswalk where pedestrians were attempting to cross while the walk light was on. The second car honked at the pedestrians. This is pretty common behavior.
The link below is to an article in The Guardian that summarizes the evidence for banning right turn on red. Many other summaries are available including from the US DOT.
The signs should include a nifty logo for “West Hartford Vision Zero”. These would inform the community of the Vision Zero initiative and that the ban is for safety. The [automated traffic safety] cameras that are being installed can also monitor right turn infractions.
Philip Bolton, West Hartford