Congratulations to the Town of West Hartford for creating a plan that prioritizes safe streets for all – including walkers, bicyclists, and motorists – on the New Park Avenue Complete Streets Improvement Project. Beginning in 2017, the Town launched a planning process that leveraged two state grants to improve walk-bike-transit and calm traffic on a portion of this high-speed four-lane highway, from the Home Depot plaza entrance to New Britain Avenue.
At the public unveiling of the revised concept design on June 4th, 2024, we heard productive conversations between local business owners, transportation engineers, and members of Bike West Hartford. Everyone present agreed that New Park Avenue needs to be redesigned to reduce the risk of crashes caused by dangerous high-speed drivers. Also, this former industrial zone has become a more vibrant residential area (as families moved in 50-unit apartment buildings at 540 New Park and 616 New Park, with more to come) and new small business (such as The GastroPark) are transforming the area into an enjoyable destination for more people. As a community, we care about making it safer for everyone to walk, bike, and bus between homes, schools, and stores along New Park Avenue. Our common goals are consistent with the Town-approved Complete Streets and Vision Zero policies.
Key features of the revised New Park Avenue concept design presentation slides:
- Road diet (four 11-foot car lanes will become two 10-foot lanes plus one 12-foot center-turn lane) from Oakwood to New Britain Ave
- Separated two-way bike lanes, protected by 6-inch tall concrete barriers, from Oakwood to New Britain Ave
- Multi-use path for walkers and bicyclists from Oakwood to Home Depot plaza
- Safer pedestrian crosswalks and new traffic signals
- Relocated and updated bus stops
- Better landscaping and street lighting
Next steps:
- Refine concept design plans in Summer 2024
- Public information meeting in Fall 2024
- Final Design in Fall 2024
- Out to Bid in Winter 2025
- Construction in Spring 2025
We’re very excited about the direction of this important project!
Email your comments to NewParkAvenue@westhartfordct.gov and cc: us at BikeWestHartfordInc@gmail.com