Updated: Thanks to everyone who came to the fabulous concert by Latanya Farrell and enjoyed the inaugural ride of the tandem-trailer “ice cream truck”! Contact us if you’d like to help organize future rides.

Ride your bike to the Elizabeth Park Concert by singer Latanya Farrell on Wednesday July 13th 2022. Bike West Hartford volunteers will guide this family-friendly 10-mph slow roll. All riders must wear a helmet. Children must be accompanied by adults. Free frozen treats to the first 50 riders!
Join us at any of these locations, or find us on this interactive route map:
• departing 6pm near Smith STEM School entrance
• departing 6:10pm near Whiting Lane School entrance
• departing 6:20pm near Morley School entrance
• arriving 6:30pm at Elizabeth Park
Note: This is a one-way ride, and cyclists are responsible for returning home on their own.