The Connecticut Department of Transportation will host a virtual public info meeting on Thur July 13th 7pm on pedestrian intersection improvements for Bishop’s Corner (Albany Ave/Route 44 and North Main Street, West Hartford). See details at, with this summary:
“The purpose of the project is to improve pedestrian mobility and overall operations at the intersection. The deficiencies with current pedestrian facilities, undesirable geometry, and traffic congestion make this area unfavorable for pedestrian travel. The proposed improvements include eliminating all channelized right-turn lanes and islands at the intersection. Pedestrian push buttons will be relocated from the islands to the corners of the intersection. Relocating the pedestrian push buttons and eliminating the islands will allow pedestrians to cross directly from one side of the road to the other, providing the shortest crossing distance. New traffic signals and sidewalk ramps will also be installed.
The proposed improvements will require minor property acquisitions and easements to accommodate sidewalk reconstruction and traffic signal equipment.
Construction is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2025 based on the availability of funding…”