Sunday August 30, 2020, 10:00 a.m. (meet at 9:30)
To recognize the sad cancellation of Center Streets 2020 and provide a bicycling activity for all of those who have loved Center Streets the past 4 years, we are offering Center Streets Slow Roll!
Ride or bring your bikes to the West Hartford Town Hall parking lot by the flag pole and join us for a Slow Roll bike ride. Fun for all ages, this will be a slow ride around local streets from 10: 00 a.m. until we are ready to stop slow rolling. Streets are NOT closed to cars but we expect enough people on bikes to make cars take notice and wait for us to go by. This event should be safe for all ages. Masks and helmets are required. Safe distances between riders should be observed. We hope to have hundreds of bicyclists taking over the 2 1/2 mile mostly flat route around West Hartford. Explore the interactive route map. Slow rolls are taking place in many cities around the world. A critical mass of bikes kind of rules the road for a short time. Spread the word and join us! Questions: email –