Good news! Bike West Hartford will receive a $5,000 Active Transportation Microgrant funded by the CT Department of Transportation, and managed by the Capital Region Council of Governments, to launch our bike safety education workshop and distribute 300 free helmets to local youth in spring 2024. Our first workshop will be held at Charter Oak International Academy public elementary school on Friday May 10th 9-11am, where 3rd grade students will rotate through four hands-on activities to learn how to safely ride bikes. “We appreciate partnering with Bike West Hartford to create a special learning event for our students, which will inspire them to be active and stay safe,” said Georgina Rivera, principal at Charter Oak International Academy, located in the Elmwood neighborhood. Our second workshop will be open to all youth at the Celebrate West Hartford festival on Saturday-Sunday June 8-9th during select hours TBA. Volunteer to be trained and assist us at either event by emailing BikeWestHartfordInc@gmail.com.
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